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The Internet can be a wonderful resource for pupils, however, access can also pose risks. Here are five tips to help keep your child safe on the internet.
- Get permission
Teach your child to always get permission before using the computer and always try to sit with them. If you can't sit with them make them use the computer in an open area so you can see what they are doing.
- Update and use Plugins
Always update your browser. If you use Chrome or Firefox, download a plugin which will prevent your child from accidentally visiting suspicious websites.
If you're on Chrome, we highly recommend Metacert. Metacert will automatically block pages not suitable for your child.
- Use a child friendly search engine
A child friendly search engine will only display pages which they feel are suitable for children. We recommend KidRex or SearchyPants
- Keep personal info private
Remind your child not to give out information through emails and registration forms. If they are unsure, encourage them to ask you first.
- Encourage openness
Encourage your children to come to you if they encounter anything online that makes them feel uncomfortable or threatened. Don't get angry and don't blame your child; otherwise, they won't turn to you in the future when they need help.
Any one of these five tips should help keep your child safe on the internet